Help make the holidays bright

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Help make the holidays bright

The holiday season at our long-term care home, The Gardens, is a special time. Any other year, we would have a whole calendar of events, but 2020 continues to prove to be a very different year.

We want to make sure this season is festive and bright for all residents at The Gardens. This year folks living at Kensington can look forward to a delicious holiday meal, spiritual services, tree-trimming (physically distanced on each RHA), a gift from the Kensington Health Foundation, virtual concerts, and even virtual carolling.

And, our Life Enhancement Team has been working around the clock to find even more ways to spread holiday cheer this year. They need your help to make this season special.

Here are some of the ways you can help make this season bright at the Gardens:

Icon of a holiday card

Write a card

Thank you to everyone who sent in a card to a resident at The Gardens. We recieved over 100 submissions.

Icon of two gifts

Mail or drop off a gift

Did you know we are always open to recieving packages by mail and drop-off? You can mail a gift to your loved-one or drop gifts off at the front table in Kensington Gardens. Please write out who the gift is going to, and we will make sure it is delivered. All packages coming into The Gardens are sanitized to protect our residents.

Icon of a family photo

Send in a family photo

Thank you to everyone who sent in a photo for your loved one at the Gardens. Photos have been printed and delivered on your behalf!