Moving in

Welcome to Kensington Health!

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Moving in

Let's make Kensington Gardens your new home

We understand moving to a new place can be stressful, so we will do everything we can to help make the transition as seamless as possible. You can bring a variety of things to help make your room more comfortable and personal to you. Use our move-in checklist to help with your plans.

Move-in checklist

We encourage you to bring as many personal items as possible, in order to make your room your own. We provide each person who lives at Kensington with a bed and a special mattress, a dresser, a nightstand and a chair.

Memory boxes are located outside of each person’s room, and we encourage residents to place pictures and mementoes inside to help welcome guests and visually identify with the new space.

Here are a few examples of other items that can personalize your room, to make it special and unique:

  • Family photographs
  • Paintings
  • Duvets (twin size)
  • Television
  • Phone
  • Memorabilia
  • Mini fridge
  • Armchair

On the day of the admission, there are a few items that must be brought in for administrative purposes:

  • Health card and proof of Canadian citizenship (passport or citizenship card) for renewal purposes
  • A current list of medications (we prefer this to be faxed to us prior to the admission date, if possible)
  • One day of medication
  • Copy of Power of Attorney for both personal care and finance, if applicable
  • Payment method (void cheque or Visa/MasterCard)

Questions about moving in?

Contact our Client Services team.