Getting to your appointment

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Getting to your appointment

When visiting the Kensington Screening Clinic for your appointment, we ask that you not bring a secondary visitor or visitors up to the clinic. Visitors may wait in the building's main floor lobby (340 College Street) or off premises. Exceptions can be made if you require mobility or translation support from a secondary visitor (maximum of one extra visitor for these purposes). Once you have arrived safely or translation is complete, anyone accompanying you will be asked to wait elsewhere. 

When you come for your procedure or are dropped off for your procedure, we ask that the person driving you stays as close to our location as possible, so they can meet you as soon as you might need once your visit concludes. When your appointment is over, the person giving you a ride will be called via telephone and asked to come to room 601 on the 6th floor. We ask that they notify the reception room staff when they arrive, who will contact the recovery room nurses. The nurses will help bring you out to them.

Entering 340 College Street

You can enter the building through the front doors on College Street or enter through the back doors, which you can access from Brunswick St. or Major St.


While visiting the Kensington Screening Clinic, all visitors (including patients and anyone accompanying them) must wear a surgical mask at all times. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.