Preparing for your eye exam

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Preparing for your eye exam

Thank you for choosing Kensington Vision and Research Centre. We kindly ask that you arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled start of your appointment. You can enter the building through the front doors on College Street or enter through the back doors, which you can access from Brunswick St. or Major St.

Everyone in the building, including patients, must wear a mask at all times. We ask that you put on your mask before entering the building. We are committed to providing our visitors, patients and staff with a safe environment while at Kensington.

If you have any questions about your upcoming appointment, please feel free to contact us at or by calling 416-928-1335.

Please bring the following items with you:

  • Your Ontario Health Card (OHIP card)
  • A brief summary of medical history (and any medical changes since your last visit)
  • Your current glasses and/or contact lenses with case
  • A list of all medications you are currently taking
  • Sunglasses, as you may require drops that make your eyes sensitive to the sun

Escorts or anyone bringing you to your appointment will not be able to accompany you to your appointment on the 5th floor. Exceptions will be made for those who require mobility help or translation. Once translation/mobility help is complete, escorts will be asked to wait elsewhere. We will contact them when you are ready to be discharged. After your appointment, you will be accompanied to the lobby by one of our staff where you will be reunited with your escort.

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