Retina surgery

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Retina surgery

What you need to know

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Preparing for your visit

Please contact your surgeon’s office to confirm your arrival and surgery time. Learn More

Preparing for your visit


Thank you for choosing the Kensington Eye Institute for your upcoming appointment. By following these important tips, you will arrive prepared for your surgery at the Kensington Eye Institute.

We want you to feel comfortable in our care, and to make your experience as relaxed as possible.

Tip #1: Confirm your appointment

Please contact your surgeon’s office to confirm your arrival and surgery time. You also need to confirm your pre and post-operative eye drops with your surgeon.

Find your surgeon’s office 

Tip #2: Make sure you have everything you need

Click here for printer-friendly pre-operative instructions!

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We recommend you follow this checklist to make sure you have everything you need before surgery:

  • Bring a valid OHIP card and photo ID. If you do not have this with you the surgery will be cancelled.

  • Remember, do  not to eat or drink anything after midnight or your surgery will be cancelled.

  • Please arrange for someone to pick you up from your procedure. Advise your pickup to come to the 6th floor to collect you.

  • Please note: Taxi services or wheel trans are not considered accompaniment home a you will not be released.

  • If necessary, bring one person with you to act as translator. The translator will need o stay with you until you are discharged from surgery. They will also accompany you home.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that opens up in the front. Please do not wear multiple layers of clothing, full slips or dresses.

  • Please do not wear eye make-up, perfume or cologne.

  • Unexpected complications and cancellations on the day of surgery may delay or advance your surgery time.

  • It is not advisable to book any other appointments on the day of surgery.

Food and drink instructions:

  • Please do not consume solid foods or have anything to drink after midnight. You may have water, black tea, or coffee only (no milk, sugar or artificial sweeteners).

  • Please do not consume soup or broth of any kind.

  • Please do not chew gum (this includes sugar-free gum) or consume candies, mints or cough drops.

Medication instructions:

  • Take your morning medication (but do not take diabetic pills) with clear fluids three hours before coming to the clinic.

  • Please do not take insulin on the morning of your surgery, bur bring insulin with you the clinic.

  • Please bring all of your prescription medication with you, in their original bottles.
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During your visit

We make it a priority to ensure you are at ease during your retina surgery. Learn More

During your visit


We want you to feel comfortable in our care, and to make your experience as relaxed as possible during your retina surgery.

There are different treatments available at the Kensington Eye Institute for retinal diseases. Your doctor will discuss the best treatment with you.

  • Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure in which the vitreous gel (the clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina) is removed so that your surgeon can gain access to and repair your retina. At the end of the procedure, your vitreous gel is then replaced with either gas or a silicone gel. 
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After your visit

It is normal for your eye to feel slightly uncomfortable, light sensitive, or red. Learn More

After your visit


After surgery, it is normal for your eye to be red, uncomfortable, sensitive to light and teary. The recovery period varies with each individual. 

Your doctor will be able to provide you with all of your post-surgical instructions prior to your surgery.

Click here for detailed printer-friendly post-operative instructions!

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What to expect?

  • Your retina would will take up to 6 to 8 weeks to heal.

  • After surgery it's normal for your eye to exhibit the following things:

    • Redness
    • Discomfort
    • Sensitivity to light
    • Teariness
    • Pain

  • You may take pain medication to manage the pain

  • You can do the following as long as you keep your head in the correct position as outlined by your surgeon.

    • Walk, bend at the knees, cough, watch TV, read.
    • Wear sunglasses while outside.
    • Shower or bather after your procedure (do not get water or soap in your eyes).

What to avoid ? 

Your surgeon will tell you how many days you have to keep your head in this special position after your gas/bubble injection.

  • Do not drive a car.

  • Do not do tiring physical activities.

  • Do not rub your eye

  • Do not put pressure on or strain your eye.

  • Do not lift anything heavier than 5 kilograms or 10 pounds.

Ocular emergency

If after surgery, you experience any of the following, please seek immediate medical attention:

  • Increasing pain in the operative eye
  • Decreased / dimming vision
  • Increasing swelling
  • Vomiting
  • A fever (temperate of 38C or 101F)
  • A gush of fluid or pus/discharge from your eye

Please go to the nearest emergency room. During regular business hours, contact your surgeon's office.

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What is retinal disease?

Your retina is the layer of tissue on the inside back wall of your eye. It is responsible for receiving visual information through millions of light-sensitive cells, and sending this information to your brain through your optic nerve. Retinal diseases affect the part of your retina called the macula or the fovea, located at the centre of your macula, which ultimately affects your central vision. Different diseases of the retina have different causes. For example, retinal disease may develop as a result of:

  • Diabetes (diabetic retinopathy)
  • Aging (age-related macular degeneration)
  • Injury
  • Surgical side-effect
  • Or be related to other eye diseases (i.e. retinal tear/detachment), among others

How do you know if you have retinal disease?

There are different diseases of the retina that have similar symptoms that may include blurred or distorted vision, seeing floating specks and loss of peripheral vision. Consult your doctor for more information.

How is retinal disease treated?

There are a number of different ways to treat retinal diseases including intraocular injection therapy, laser procedures, and surgical procedures. These methods can be used by themselves or in combination with one another. Your doctor will discuss the best approach for the treatment of your retinal disease with you.

Related links

Ocular emergency