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Kensington's Newsroom


“It comes from my heart”

When the pandemic struck one year ago, Rowena could never have guessed how her life would be turned upside down. As a personal care attendant at Kensington Gardens long-term care home, Rowena wanted to keep everyone safe. Travelling back and forth to work, she worried about the safety of her family. With five people living in one house, what if she got them sick?

Second Mile Club sticks together this year

Normally, in March, the three locations of the Second Mile Club are bustling with members preparing for Spring, exercise classes, and, of course, the competitive game of bridge. The Club is a recreation centre for adults aged 55 and over, as well as those living with a disability. The Club also provides social work support for those who need it, often in their homes. For many, Second Mile Club is a lifeline – a way to stay connected with a community of friends. But, this March looks very different for Second Mile Club.

A turning point in the pandemic

In the last week of December Kensington learned that Women’s College Hospital had the COVID-19 vaccine and was able to administer it to residents at our long-term care home, The Gardens. The hospital also had enough vaccine for Essential Caregivers and staff but would need the Gardens to run its own clinic. With days’ notice, the two teams merged together for a common purpose: vaccinate as many people as possible safely. January 5, 2021, was the largest mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Ontario at the time.

Nutrition Month: Good For You

We often hear that healthy eating is about restriction - what we can and cannot eat. Yet these approaches to nutrition too often ignore the diversity of eating needs in our community. This Nutrition Month, we want you to really find and discover your own healthy.

Joan Hollobon awarded the Order of Canada

On December 28. 2019, Joan Hollobon was awarded the Order of Canada. Due to COVID-19, the investiture was delayed and took place on March 29, 2021, at Kensington Gardens, the long-term care home where Joan lives .

Social workers making us stronger

All our social workers play an important role in the lives of our clients and patients. So, this Social Work Month, we wanted to introduce this team of community builders, carers and supporters.

Happy Lunar New Year!

"Whether you are celebrating with a big family meal, a home cleaning for good luck or exchanging red envelopes to encourage prosperity – or if this this holiday is new to you – this is a time to welcome new beginnings, fortune and well-being" - John Yip, President and CEO, Kensington Health

Happy Black History Month

Important announcement from Jim Nelles, Board Chair of Kensington Health

Make this a holiday season to remember

Like everything in our lives these days, the holidays will be different this year. With nearly every aspect of life transformed by COVID-19 and physical distancing, we asked friends and colleagues how they plan to reinvent their year-end festivities. Here are a few ideas we think will lift spirits, bring smiles and make this a year to remember for all the right reasons.

Friends and families improving life in long-term care

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult adjustment for the loved ones of residents. Prior to COVID, visitors were plentiful at The Gardens. These days, visitation is restricted to essential visitors and caregivers.

Hospice approach to pandemic puts families first

During the pandemic, The Hospice team is working extra hard to help our community members live their final moments well.

A community solution for surgical backlogs in Toronto

In the second wave of the pandemic, people continue to wait for the surgeries they need, as hospitals desperately try to catch up to the backlog of surgeries. Kensington Health is part of a number of organizations that has a plan to help.

Innovating care for the elderly

Within a day, WCH’s mobile COVID-19 assessment team, was at Kensington swabbing every resident and staff member.

Diversity and Inclusion at Kensington Health

This summer, while we were fighting to keep COVID-19 at bay, we were starkly reminded of an ever-present fight our colleagues of colour, specifically our Black and Indigenous colleagues, face every day.

Enhancing COVID-19 Screening

Screening plays a big part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Kensington Health has had a team of screeners working in the lobby of the building at 340 College Street since April. Hundreds of people come through Kensington’s doors on a daily basis, so screening is no easy feat. When RKS Medical approached us to pilot an automated screening machine, we said yes.

Thank you to our Hike supporters

Kensington Hike: 10 years, nearly 1000 residents

Since then, nearly 1400 people have hiked over the last ten years, and the Hike has become a chance to both raise funds for the Hospice and raise awareness for end-of-life care. It’s also an important chance for the families of the more than 1000 people who have died at the hospice to reconnect.

Hospice jumps in to support during pandemic

Across the Kensington campus, our colleagues in the Hospice remind us that we are here to serve and to help people live their stories.

Thank you, Donna, for more than 15 years of service

Donna Punch, VP of Ambulatory Services, retired after a rewarding nursing career that spans over 49 years.

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