
Welcome to Kensington Health!

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Welcome to 

Kensington's Newsroom


Nicole Barry appointed CFO & VP Finance and Facilities

Over the age of 40? You can get your breast cancer screening at Kensington Health!

Empowering our Team: Ramandeep’s Nursing Journey at Kensington Health

From Blurred to Bright: How Cataract Surgery Changed Maurice’s Life

Ronnie’s Story: Comfort and Community through Volunteering

From Daughter to Advocate: Lucia’s Journey at Kensington Gardens

Cooking as care: Nutrition Services at Kensington Health

Kensington’s Commitment to Health and Safety

Small actions make a difference in long-term care

More than Just a Meal: Nutrition Services at Kensington Health

Exchanging Books – and Ideas – Enhances Quality of Life at Kensington Gardens

The Ripple Effects of Volunteering

Toronto Ophthalmic Training Centre accepting applications for September programs!

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!

Protecting Your Eyes During the Solar Eclipse 

Amplifying our Impact – Introducing Kensington’s 2024-27 Strategic Plan

Meet our Music Therapists!

A Look Inside the Life Enhancement Program at Kensington Gardens

Building Intergenerational Connections, One Haunted House at a Time

It's a few days before the spookiest day of the year – Halloween – and Kensington Health’s Second Mile Club is buzzing with activity...

Kensington Health Enables First-In-Canada Eye Tissue Transplant

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Have a question? Contact us and we will get back to you shortly.

Phone: 416-963-9640 ext. 1089

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