Long-term Care

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Long-term Care

Joan Hollobon awarded the Order of Canada

On December 28. 2019, Joan Hollobon was awarded the Order of Canada. Due to COVID-19, the investiture was delayed and took place on March 29, 2021, at Kensington Gardens, the long-term care home where Joan lives .

Social workers making us stronger

All our social workers play an important role in the lives of our clients and patients. So, this Social Work Month, we wanted to introduce this team of community builders, carers and supporters.

Friends and families improving life in long-term care

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult adjustment for the loved ones of residents. Prior to COVID, visitors were plentiful at The Gardens. These days, visitation is restricted to essential visitors and caregivers.

Innovating care for the elderly

Within a day, WCH’s mobile COVID-19 assessment team, was at Kensington swabbing every resident and staff member.

Out and proud at Kensington Health

At Kensington Health, Pride is a chance to celebrate our LGBTQIA2S+ community members, and to acknowledge the need for accepting and safe care, especially in our long-term care home.

Happy Retirement Greta

This month, we said goodbye to Greta Busby, who has been working as a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) in the south building of Kensington Gardens for the past 18 years.

Long-term Care nurses giving more now then ever

Our care teams are on the front line every day, supporting each other, our residents, and their families. For many of them, this is more than just a job. They do this because they take pride in helping our community and in being there for our residents.

Meet Chanel, the health care panda lifting spirits

At Kensington, Chanel is a conversation-starter, giving Diann’s teammates a moment of levity during the tough battle on the frontline with COVID-19.

A Special Delivery on Mother’s Day

Early on Mother’s Day, the Kensington team, armed with buckets of roses and chocolates, delivered gifts to residents at Kensington Gardens.

A love of a lifetime

Love is in the air at Kensington Health, and lovebirds Woody and Jeannie — both residents at Kensington Gardens — share the story of their 50 years of love and life together.

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Phone: 416-963-9640 ext. 1089

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