Long-term Care

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Long-term Care

Bill O’Neill, Vice-President of Resident and Community Care, Retires after 23 years of service

Spring Gardening

Happy 106th Birthday, Edith!

Celebrating Our Nurses: The Kensington Experience

The chicks of Kensington

In an effort to alleviate isolation and loneliness for those living at The Gardens, the Life Enhancement team hatched a clever idea: a new program called the Kensington Coop, a six-week program in which residents, along with staff, work together to hatch, play with, and grow baby chicks.

Supporting our future PSW’s

Throughout this pandemic, The Gardens has been dedicated to hiring, training and offering students the unique chance to have a placement at The Gardens.

The power of music

By using a variety of music therapy techniques, Sarah can easily connect and build a strong lasting relationship with the people she works with.

Enjoying tea on Mother’s Day

While general visitors are still not allowed in the building due to Ministry guidelines, essential caregivers being able to visit will make this Mother’s Day extra special. Jeremy is one of many essential caregivers who is looking forward to spending the day with his mother, Sylvia, resident at The Gardens.

A turning point in the pandemic

In the last week of December Kensington learned that Women’s College Hospital had the COVID-19 vaccine and was able to administer it to residents at our long-term care home, The Gardens. The hospital also had enough vaccine for Essential Caregivers and staff but would need the Gardens to run its own clinic. With days’ notice, the two teams merged together for a common purpose: vaccinate as many people as possible safely. January 5, 2021, was the largest mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Ontario at the time.

Nutrition Month: Good For You

We often hear that healthy eating is about restriction - what we can and cannot eat. Yet these approaches to nutrition too often ignore the diversity of eating needs in our community. This Nutrition Month, we want you to really find and discover your own healthy.

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