
Welcome to Kensington Health!

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Looking back at my time at Kensington

This December, after a long and rewarding career that includes 18 years at Kensington, Debbie Emmerson is retiring.

Introducing art therapy

Ellen Paonessa is commencing research which will look at effects of art therapy on patients in inpatient settings.

Passion to support hospice care

Andrea Taylor, volunteer at Kensington Hospice, shares how she translates her passion for hospice, into a successful fundraising campaign.

Misconceptions of palliative care

Let’s change the conversation about death. Instead of fear, let’s focus on support, care, comfort and lasting memories.

The next chapter for Kensington Hospice

An expansion of Kensington Hospice is on the horizon. Learn more about the hospice's history and future.

Join the Kensington Hike

Support hospice and end-of-life care by hiking for Kensington this year. Invite friends, family and pets!

Connect with Kensington

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Have a question? Contact us and we will get back to you shortly.

Phone: 416-963-9640 ext. 1089

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